category: narratives, short films
GREGORY is a 40-year-old béké, a European white descendant of colonists, who lives with his dad BERNARD in Martinique (French Caribbean), where a sort of apartheid still exists. Bernard seems to have accepted the color issue in Martinique and how to deal with it, specifically by sharing more time with YVETTE, his maid who is of black descent. She takes care of him daily. However, Gregory fights hard to find his place in the current society. Grégory is torn between ALAIN, his oldest friend, a more conservative young Béké, eager to get richer and to grow up into this béké caste -- and -- his true love for CARMEN, a young beautiful 35-year-old black Martiniquan singer. Grégory has to face a sudden general strike that starts in Martinique in February 2009. Meanwhile, his father’s health is deteriorating, what will happen to Gregory?
directed by NÈNÈB BÉPÉ
Bépé Nènèb and Christophe Agelan are Martiniquen filmmakers. Loving words and poetry (Nènèb is a SLAM Champion in Martinique), they have started writing for TV shows, Virtual Reality contents and movies for the last five years. Professionnal screenwriters (C.E.E.A Certification),Nènèb and Agelan use humoristic or dramatic situations and different genres to serve caribbean stories with universal potentials. After Passengers, and BOC, Goyave is their fourth professionnal short film.
Martinique | 2018 | 28 MINS
June 8, 2019
Dutch Bottle Cafe